Is it trendy to be "gay" these days. Why are most of the All Categories questions coming from the gay section? It's like tattoos from 2000?


I do wonder whether Yahoo questions does repeat some questions in other categories to make it look as so there are way more questions.


Yeah blame the skittles, everyone this days wants to "taste the rainbow" haha...

But no seriously dude? Being gay is not a "trend" it's who we are and people come here for help. But most of questions on here are bunch of trolls who keep asking the same questions, or some don't even belong to this category. So chill


In reality being gay is nothing but a over-hyped, glamorized fetish!
Edit: @ Dave Got one of those already, hommie! Its a shame that you want to hold someone else's and not your own!


I think that all of the media coverage and the natural tendency of children to separate themselves by gender have combined to make more and more young people think that they are homosexual. This may be strange sounding, but I think that there are people out there that self-identify as gay but aren't.
I wouldn't call it trendy, because that sounds kind of dumb, but maybe there is something to the increased visibility of homosexuals leading to an increased frequency of homosexuality.


Really how could it be "trendy" we're criminalised in over 42 countries around the world a lot of which have the death penalty. You think it's cool for 1/3 of the world to treat us like c**p.

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