Is President Obama endeavoring to transport people from Central America to the United States himself?
Strange thing i was just to Honduras, I saw no crime. I saw kids playing . I saw pretty pastel homes. I saw various fruits growing there. I traveled by land and by sea and saw no crime. The people are lovely they showed us their native dances and foods and traditions. The area is a far cry from our inner cities where crime is rampant.
Obama is creating a crisis, which he has done since he entered politics. By creating a crisis, it gives him power to do as he pleases. This is just SNAFU!
Wow, and yet another Conservative caring less about children fleeing the violence of their societies and more about badmouthing their own country's leader.
Way to go, patriot!
Obama has been notified of the invasion of illegals that would be crashing our borders since 2012!
He has been warned repeatedly by the Pentagon, CIA, etc.....and done nothing.
These people are not refugees they are ILLEGALS.
We do not need Obama or the UN making decisions that are against the current laws.
Congress ....House of Representatives is being blocked by the insidious old fool Harry Reid in the Senate
from passing any bills sent to the Senate to deal with this war on US taxpayers. Enough!
Think 1st
No, he has help from another illegal alien.