Why did my soul leave for one day? Is this a poem?

How many times could I say the word 'Tat'?
How many times there was no answer...
mere silence from trees and neighbors.
No 'meow', no answering 'meow'.
Where was she...at last to be a cat?
I slept with the door open last night,
simply hoping.
At 2 a.m. I went outside and called again,
Nothing, but wait! Was that a dark shadow
walking towards me?
A bob tail wagging?
But she did not enter. Walked by the door
I held open.
At 4a.m., I caught her, scratching and growling.
My 'Tat', my beautiful animal, my pet, my soul.
Did she turn wild in one day?
Did she mean to hurt me?
My soul was whole again, but not my heart.


No,she did not intend to hurt you..her curiosity got the better of her.
Leave out food and slowly patiently inch it nightly closer to you.
Been someplace like that so my heart truly yearns and goes out to you,
this is so heart-wringing a poem Elysabeth.


Good poem. This poem like darke poem or horror poem. But it still really good. You will write more good poem i hope. You can learn more dark poem or ghost poem and you will write poem. You can visit this site

