Ok, lets turn this around: Why do Fundamentalist believe in such a weak god that is a poor engineer?

The rest of the universe is governed by a set of consistent, rational laws that allow the universe to run on full automatic. Why would God design biology to work different and require constant hands-on-control.

Creationists have a weak, stupid god that built a universe that requires constant tweaking. Their god is a poor engineer. It makes more sense that biology would work like the rest of the universe, self correcting, self regulating, and self modifying. Thus, His creatures can change as their environment changes. That is all evolution is, the plants and animals adapting to their changing environment (That is glorious!).

Evolution is an extremely elegant solution to life on a planet with a changing environment. Only a Master Engineer could come up with such an elegant solution for a self-correcting system. The Creationists severely limit God's intelligence and engineering ability by saying He had to sit and create everything by hand when the whole system is automated. Seems disrespectful.

Graham P2014-07-28T17:22:23Z

Favorite Answer

The problem with fundamentalists is not that their ideas are necessarily bad, but the fact that they insist their ideas are necessarily correct, and in some cases murder or persecute anyone who disagrees with them. No one knows whether our world is a dream we will one day wake from or a random happening born out of chaos, or an engineered world like some advanced computer game, or some other thing. Fundamentalist insist they know things when they are often most likely wrong.


life on this planet is the same for us as the lichen on the rocks a pure process of evolvement to have a magician to wave a wand and produce everything is as farcical as it gets. It is true what caused matter to exist no one can yet define, but one day they may be able to. My definition of religion is, its only use is to thin down the population as all through history that's all its achieved and in an evil way