Does Custer rate a poem?

Custer, you blew the Washita sky-high,
women and children too.
Was it for nothing that Rain-in-the-face
cursed you to die,
or Sitting Bull pawed the Plains?
How one-of-a-kind you tried to be,
only succeeding in the end...
Bull Run should have occurred in
But your foolishness at West Point
was making news.

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2014-07-29T04:22:50Z

Yikes great piece and Custer got what he deserved

Coop 3662014-07-29T10:31:31Z

He would not get in trouble, think like some whites they were just Injuns.


THE HELL HE DON'T. This dude would be on trial for war crimes if it was today.