When is reality?


When? That is a bit of oddly worded question.

When is there reality?.....every single second of every single moment in time.
We can try to ignore reality. We can hide from reality. We can twist the meaning of reality. We can stare reality straight on. We can shove reality into the corner and vow to get back to it eventually. We can hate reality. We can ignore reality. We can create our own reality. We can lie about reality. We can think we know all about reality but we don't. We can critique other peoples reality while not facing our own. We can watch reality TV ..."gag" We can wish and hope and pray that our reality changes.
We can envy another persons reality. We can push our reality on someone else.
We can run from our reality but we can't hide.

The reality is that life happens and then we die and our reality will be not that of the physical world but that of the spiritual realm. That will be a different Reality.


Two ways to approach the reality.

1. Empiricism :
Using sense perception (eyes, nose, mouth, ears,skin)
to know the physical, but it is not reliable.
Ex : mirage, refraction. Iron and wood in the winter, you feel totally
different, but they are the same temperature.

2.Rationalism :
From mathematics, like we learn from the textbook.
But the math could deviate the real world.

It is very difficult to determine when reality is.

Mike W2014-08-01T18:43:09Z

It's on all the time, I think. Of course there is the possibility that what we perceive to be reality is something else.


The moment you wake up, from then on your reality begins. Once started all you do will affect you and those around you.


Let us first clear our confusions. Philosophically speaking, please explain how it is interpreted in your own terms. Now is real. Then is real. I only want to know when is what. Where does reality originate.

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