Why dont I get drunk?

Last night I probably took a shot of vodka at least once every 10 minutes for two hours. It was only 35% alcohol, but I barely even felt a buzz after two hours. I never would, but I felt more than sober enough to drive. Over the two hours I ate two small pieces of pizza, some coke as a chaser and maybe a half bottle of water. Im no expert, but it seems like 15+ shots of vodka in two hours should get me pretty wasted (it did at least for the two friends I was with), and this happens every time I drink. Does anyone know why??

PS: When ever I do shots or something I get a fairly bad stomach ache before I get drunk, to the point were usually I have to stop. Again, dont get drunk, just feel sick. Anyway to avoid getting a stomach ache?


Favorite Answer

It might just be how your body metabolizes the alcohol.
Your weight and your tolerance affect your blood alcohol level.
Also, you could try different types of alcohol. I know people who can't take certain types of liquor, like it doesn't make them drunk, it's just makes them sick.


If you're fat it could effect the time. You could have an extremely high tolerance if you drink a lot


12 shots in two hours... must have been using a thimble


Because you are hardcore.


you are too much tuff.