How and what is to know thyself?


Some authors do well with this:

The Path of the Higher Self, Mark Prophet
Man, Master of His Destiny, Omraam Aivanhov
The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis
Long Pilgrimage
The Teachers of Gurdjieff
For Couples Only


To know thyself is to have the necessary tools to control thyself.

I doubt any Atheists can lay claim to this level of insight.


Socrates belief in the best way to live one's life. But unlike modern philosophy he treats the study of wisdom itself as the most serious way a human being can live( Plato, the Republic, Book I). Philosophy is not an academic subject to pay tuition over as the Sophists, and the world we live in treat it. Philosophy rather is a subject for all human beings contained in the innate ideas of nature. To examine them is to fulfill the human function.


Awareness is shared by 7 billion humans, but we all think its ours. Me, him, her, i. Once you realize everything is a thought and the only true thing is that you;re aware of it. That realization removes you from the physical plane and you'll look at this world from a whole new perspective. Simply be aware bring all your problems to awareness, do no hide anything that will make you feel depressed, these emotions are indicators you're alive.


I think we have to start with our weaknesses and know what to stay away from. Like me I'm an alcoholic and know that I can't drink. If I simply stay away from booze my life instantly gets better in a lot of different ways.

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