Forming any firm, permanent opinion about anything is unphilosophical......
I think an open mind is the very first precondition for being philosophical.
Once you know what it is, you'll know what it is not; everything else!
Philosophy is 'original critical thought';
Critical Thinking
Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking
As opposed to the 'scholastic';
"..."philosophologists", a term coined by Robert Pirsig ("Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", "Lila") to denote people who study other people's philosophy but cannot do philosophy themselves. He also says that most people who consider themselves philosophers are actually philosophologists. The difference between a philosopher and a philosophologist is like the difference between an art and aesthetics; one does and the other studies what the other does and theorizes about it."
All knowledge based on thought or logic is philosophical.
All knowledge based on faith or revelation is "unphilosophical".
Zaphod Beeblebrox
Definition: phil·o·soph·i·cal, filəˈsäfikəl/ [adjective]
1. Relating or devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge (epistemology), existence and reality (metaphysics), politics, and esthetics.
Anything that does not match that definition is technically not philosophical.