Will i loose weight all over my body?

Diet exercise green tea
Btw dont worry I don't like fast food nor meat or chicken kinda a vegan That's healthier for
I want to loose weight like completely change Like Nicole(Snooki) Will I loose weight on like hands butt hips face etc. Also will it change my nose shape my nose is big


You can't choose where the weight will come of (or go on). Its all genetic and everyone is different. Your nose won't change.


People generally lose weight inside first. The face is another very common place.

jay x x2014-08-25T17:08:23Z



if you are constantly working on it, it starts gradually from inside and you begin to feel a little lighter than as you remain consistent with your weightloss practice/program you begin to notice it evenly spreading round your body, sometimes starting from your arms, thighs...