Is it possible you have heard nothing from Cindy Sheehan because you blocked her?



It's possible but it's not likely. If I had blocked her, it would have been because I consider Cindy Sheehan to be a disgusting person that I don't want to bother seeing her answers to my questions.

This is pretty much the same reason that I blocked you. I find your questions and answers contemptible and I really want nothing to do with the likes of you. Suffice it to say that your name is at least phonetically accurate.


He/she blocks a lot of people, myself included. People who do that here just want to preach to the choir and have zero interest in hearing the other side. I block no one and can even be contacted privately. Because I trust my positions.


She serves no earthly purpose.


Actually it's the DNC that threw her away once she became a liability to them.



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