Should "Death to America" be the next republican presidential candidate's campaign slogan?

In 2012, it was "Believe in America's Destruction." But Romney lost because republicans didn't spend enough time telling the American people how stupid and lazy they are.


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Paul Ryan already nailed it:

"We're not going to give up on destroying the health care system for the American People."

Simple, catchy, direct and to the point.

STEVEN F2014-09-05T19:13:38Z

It was the LAST Democrat candidate's position. Promising to 'fundamentally transform America' can mean nothing short of destroying America AS IT EXISTS prior to the transformation.


its the democrats that are friends of those that yell "death to America" and its a democrat in the WH that has been working to destroy American for over 5 years.


Last I heard it was the dems that wanted to "fundamentally change" the foundation of this country. They are the ones that want to kill America. Conservatives want to preserve it


Death to America was Obamas slogan. we just didn't hear it beneath all his f'n lies!

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