Favorite Answer
As noted it took this comeing to public light and what the police are there for 4 more to be dismissed from the force. So let us hope after a honest investigation we can come to grips with what this officer was in truth and go from there as to what to do with such as they seem to have there.
Greg N
In case you didn't notice, many police officers around the country have been indicted for unjustified shootings. There have also been convictions among those cases. There is no "finally" about it if Officer Wilson is indicted and convicted because there have been many before him. And that's if he's indicted and convicted in the first place. Seems to me you don't have your facts straight about officers being held accountable, yet you already pass judgment about what happened in the Ferguson shooting. Were you there as a witness? Do you really believe everything you hear?
If a person charges or attacks a police officer and gets shot..who's fault is it..I'm betting he won't be convicted. It sounds to me from the way you asked the question that YOU have already pre-judged the officer and that's part of the problem.
I don't know that he was without justification. If Brown continued to attack him when he exited his vehicle then the officer had a right to defend himself.
Slug for a THUG! Nothing is gonna happen to the Police Officer.
Your just trying to" Racial Bait " someone here.