Why do I stop breathing?

I will be walking down the hallways at school and all of a sudden for no reason I will desperately gasp for breath. Its almost like my lungs just have a little malfunction. It happens almost everyday, never in my sleep though only while awake. It is really scary because I start to hyperventilate and it feels like I just can't get enough air into my lungs. I have to rush to my class so I can sit down and catch my breath. Please help, it can be really scary when you feel like you aren't able to breathe right.


Favorite Answer

Anxiety! If your lungs where not working you would drop dead on the spot, not rush down the corridor!
When you panic you start breathing fast, then your body gets too much oxygen into the blood stream! The brain doesn't like it and will try to stop this happening either by knocking you unconscious or teaching you to hold your breath.
Get to the bottom of what makes you anxious then find help to correct it. Stress at school can be overwhelming so please get help, this is your first step so continue on!


could be something more serious, although you PROBABLY have a lung infection, you have intake ports in your lungs, they are probably getting clogged up with mucus, from an upper respratory infection. get it checked, get antibiotics.