Wasn't it genius the way Obama convinced insurance companies to back his healthcare scheme for his own benefit?


Don't they know his ultimate goal is to have the government completely direct and control them. Kind of like giving you a big steak before they execute you.


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They didn't back Obama. They opposed it.

The only idiots in this were Democrats and their supporters. Everyone else rejected Obama's healthcare law. In fact, I think it was something like 20 to 30 percent support for the ACA when it was in Congress.

In fact, it didn't gain more support till after a few years of everyone but Fox News hailing it as something great.

Most didn't want it, and still don't.

It's just that when you have filibuster-proof majority in Congress, you can pretty much pass whatever bill you want, so long as every Senator in your party cooperates, or you can get a few from the other side to vote on your side.

But they couldn't because the bill was 100% Democrat. They ignored all Republican input, so there really was no incentive for Republicans, so in order for a Republican to vote for it, they'd have to be low enough to accept bribes or just be trying to look good by being on the side that was going to win that political battle.



I do not know that President Obama had much to do with convincing healthcare insurers to back the Affordable Care Act.

It is not his healthcare law.
It was written by Congressional leaders and certainly not some form of scheme that President Obama created for a hidden purpose/benefit.

The people who wrote the law, in TV interviews, indicated, there was buy in by some healthcare insurance companies for the Affordable Care Act, based on healthcare insurance companies getting millions of new customers, because of the law.

But most healthcare insurance companies opposed the law
mainly because of the 80/20 requirement (that they have to rebate insurance premiums that were not spent 80% on medical care) and requirement to cover people with pre-existing conditions and no lifetime caps.


partly because of the Medicare Part C payment reductions that were to impact many (Medicare HMO) insurance companies.

I believe (but I have no proof) healthcare insurers are a big part of the money backing the movement to repeal the ACA.


Tell me how it was for his own benefit. The whole plan is to cover more people who were not covered previously. Maybe you don't understand the goal.


...by using a conservative Republican idea from the 1990s devised by the Heritage Foundation. Why Republicans aren't trying to own this is beyond me.


Yes, actually.

He convinced the insurance industry to support their own demise as he proceeded to confiscate 1/6 of the economy.

Well played, Mr. President. Well played.

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