Runt kitten isn't growing?

My cat has a litter of 2 week old kittens. Three weigh about 12oz. and the other weighs...6oz. The others are so much stronger that they push him away while the mom nurses them. I try to help him but I can't be there every time. I also bought KMR but he won't take it. I only get a couple drops in each time I try. Other than that, he acts more alert than the others and is learning to walk before they are. He also has a runny eye but I'm hoping that's not a huge issue. I was in love with him from the start, and I want to keep him for the rest of his life. I just don't want it to end any time soon. What should I do??


So, mom has 4 kittens. 3 are growing and strong, one is weak and not nursing.
I would suggest giving him time with mom without the other three around so he can nurse. Give them KMR if necessary, just keep them away from mom for a short period of time. If he still won't nurse, then you have a problem. You said he has a runny eye so he may be sick and he is the runt. Survival chances go down. Monitor his weight daily and keep putting him with mom. Dropper feed as much as necessary.
Good luck.


Talk to vet. You may hsve to hand feed special food. I just had a runt female die. She was sickly and I got her through it, and started gaining weight. Then at about 4 months, suddenly stopped eating and died. Cats are strange. Sometimes internal problems. Just talk to a vet. Waiting to see what happens often is the few extra days they need to survive.