crush asked me out.. not allowed to date?
me and this boy have been talking for awhile. We really like each other. today he asked me out and i said ok (tons of peer pressure) but i really dont wanna sneak it from my parents. im only planning on telling my mom, shes more understanding because shes a girl and my dad really doesnt care that much. But hes mexican and hes really nice and sweet and shy and stuff. Im white and im not allowed to date black guys, but he sorta looks black/brown. But he also looks mexican, no offense to any black people, you guys are great its just a rule i guess.. but im not a stingy and picky and spoiled white person. anyway how can i tell my mom that i really wanna date him? im in middle school, and im aware the relationships dont last long im just doing it because i dont know really.. But please help? thanks and no rude answers please :))