How do I get rid of the bios password on my laptop?

It's my school laptop and I would like to run Ubuntu on it but there is a password blocking my boot menu.


Typically you can pull the BIOS battery. Some computers also have a function that temporarily shorts the circuit (preferably with the battery removed) to completely kill the remembered data.

This should let you in. If it does not, you may need to search for information on your specific model. If you need to, use the full model number as found on the bottom, not just the brand and series as motherboards may be slightly different on different builds.

Argus Tuft2014-10-01T17:28:13Z

The answer is in your question. It is a SCHOOL laptop, and thus, only has software approved by the school.

If you want to run Ubuntu on a laptop, buy your own.

Di Li2014-10-01T17:35:17Z

If it's UEFI you can crack- OOOOOOOOOOO SNAP! Ahahaha...that was my back! Almost violated the rules...Sorry, you better ask the school, because you can get in serious trouble ...


I would also like to not take it apart