Why do my views not concur with hardly anyone I encounter?

I'm so outside of the box of society Like there is so much government control it's like you all are puppets and you force each other into these stupid laws by bum tripping each other. Like here's a rant: a child can be aborted by the mother but the father has no say. Okay, visa versa the mother has child but father does not. Father forced to pay child support. I thought this country had equal gender rights? Okay ranting on: a man leaves his dog in truck on a 78 degree day to eat the Pizza Hut buffet for 20 minutes. Dog is securely leashed to a seat belt and can Rome in and out of back window into bed and back into cab and has water. Dumb old bimbo wants to bust window, call cops, be hero. Why can't people mind their own business? It's his dog and his property. Ranting more: we should not have to work ever if we don't feel like it and also children should not be forced to go to school that is more government control and downright fascist. A family should be able to live in a large RV with children without CPS being called. Oh but everyone wants to be the hero now days and help out the cops, the government, what else? It wasn't like this in the 1960's. Why can't we learn from the past? They should just burn all of the history books in the schools and stop offering history class all together. As long as no child is being raped, or killed we should pretty much be left alone. There's just way too much goddamn control in this country. Why do you think they want to take our guns?


Oh and another good one, if I want to let my 17 year old daughter date her 29 year old boyfriend so be it. They say 18? The government controls us all! Oh and fighting like one on one gets you put in jail, but as a group sanctioned by the government to kill innocent people, oh that okay right? Gawddamn people wake up!!!