Did you know that 25% of American adults will tell people taking polls taking polls that in their opinion the sun circles the earth.?


Never thot the number would be so high however... how old were the people they surveyed? Where did they live? What's there occupation and lifestyle like?
Because although this info is pretty basic to people who live in cities, this information is pretty much useless to a lotta people and there jobs so... I think the study needs to specify this info because I can bet if I surveyed 500 high school students over 95% would get that question right.


Yes. It's gone up 4-5% since 2001, btw.

bad girl2014-10-07T12:58:58Z

No, the ignorance of GOP/Tea party persons is well known.


now what type of pole are they taking? stripper poles? flag poles?.. leaving out a crucial deet there


i did not