Anybody catch the PBS NOVA special on Mh370? Good viewing?


It explained a few things


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Jackie:Bonehead eh? Well what gives you, a southerner the right to call me a bonehead? I happen to be a university educated post doctorate bonehead. Good enough for you? Lana-Sands- I don't call people names, as I leave that sort of thing to plebeians such as yourself.

Yes, I viewed the PBS NOVA special. The program gave no answers, as there are no known clues, other than the odd phone call as to what has gone on. Speculation is not evidence. Take that to a court of law and you would be thrown out on your ear. I don't take sophistic viewpoints as anything other than that, an opinion. Until hard evidence comes to light, then I might sit up and look at what they have to offer.
Too many innocents have been executed on supposition and, one day it might just be YOU who is accused. Now do you see what speculation does? Nova should have kept the program under wraps until strong lawfully accepted evidence comes to light as to what really happened to aircraft flight MH370.


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