"Agnostics", aren't you just pragmatic atheists?
Most "agnostics" are people who don't really believe in God, but think that we cannot rule out the possibility and so don't consider themselves atheists. They view themselves as somewhere between theism and atheism. (That is not, in fact, the correct definition, but that is how it is often used today.)
However, you don't follow a religion. You don't feel God has any real influence in your life. You aren't afraid of Hell. etc. Aren't you, in a pragmatic sense, just atheists?
Please stop posting definitions of agnosticism.
I am specifically referring to agnostics who use the term to mean, "neither a theists nor an atheist." Everyone I have ever met who uses the word agnostic to describe themselves uses it to describe this 'in the middle' point of view.
I am well aware this is not the dictionary definition, but it is how it is often used.