She canceled our first date.....what does this mean?

So I just moved to a new state and theres a really cute girl that is LITRRALLY in the apartment next to me. A week ago she walked up to me at school and asked for my number and told asked me to do something with her sometime and so I gave her it. We've hung out a lot since then but we haven't gone on a "date" yet. Also we text each other a lot and sometimes extremely flirtatiously. I know she thinks I'm cute and gives me tons of complements and her friends have told me what she thinks about me (good things).Shes even told me I'm not "like other guys A+ 10/10". We had our first "date" at a movie today and she texted me about an hour ago saying that she "got in a fight with her parents and is staying with her sister for a few days. Maybe Sunday or next week...". What does this mean for us and how should I respond to it. Thanks.

Joseph the Second2014-10-10T13:38:46Z

Sounds like She's having "Family Issues"- & wants to get THEM out of the Way- before She gets any more involved- with You ! So DON'T take it Personally. And just try to keep on Supporting her- every time She contacts You. Eventually, "this TOO- shall pass..." :)


Just text her "aw, I'm sorry to hear about the fight, I'll see you when you feel better" or something similar and stop overthinking things. She obviously just need some time to get over the fight with her parents, and I'm sure she doesn't want to start talking about family matters with you since you've just started talking like a week ago.


Don't freak out. She's having some family problems and need stime to sort it out. You can be a good friend by being patient with her. I think she really likes you, but things are beyond her control right now.


Just offer her support and try to take her.mind off the fight. Text her about other thongs she may find interesting.


Simply tell her you hope she enjoys her visit with her sister & you'll be looking forward to her returning home!!!

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