Why does obama want ebola to outbreak in the U.S.?

Clearly nothing is being done to stop it from spreading stateside. Clearly he hates America along with everybody who voted for him.


Favorite Answer

To justify martial law and heard dissidents into FEMA prison camps.


Since it's debatable (barely lol) Obama wants ebola to outbreak, the burden of proof is on your shoulders to submit evidence your assertion is true. Otherwise you're just another 2 bit troglodyte dem bashing w/ Obama hate.
Show us how clear it is ... that's what you said. Give us some links ... not opinionated lip service.
Can't do it ... huh. All you did was discredit your self ... nice going.
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about ...

"Five of America's biggest, busiest airports are beefing up measures. Now, people arriving from the three nations hardest hit by Ebola will get special screening, including having their temperature taken. The airports are: New York's JFK, Washington Dulles, Newark, Chicago O'Hare and Atlanta international airports."


I did a 30 second search and found a link contrary to the nonsense you posted.

So you don't like Obama (clearly ... lol)? ... is that what this inquiry is about? ... you can be honest w/ us.

Curtis 19112014-10-11T19:31:22Z

It is not fair that only certain countries have ebola,,,,,obama wants the USA should to show compassion and understanding by allowing the USA to become an ebola country.


Ebola is actually really terrible at transmitting itself. It has never infected anywhere close to even 100,000 people and that means that it's not a real threat.

You know what kills far more people? The seasonal flu.


He doesn't I hope but his actions are based on POLITICS not national security or the good of then People; I think he believes since we are "global" our concern do not matter because he is not just President of the United States but the WORLD! We all complain about being "world police" but who gave approval for us to be "World Doctors"...

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