Answer to VERY OLD DIRT's " Does the Bible have a built-in anti-Trinity Doctrine ? THIS IS NOT THE TRINITY DOCTRINE MATTHEW 28:19-20?"?

Nope, there is no anti-Trinity doctrine in the Bible, rather the Doctrine of the Trinity is the culmination of what is revealed in the Bible. If God wanted an anti-Trinity doctrine in the Bible, he would not have allowed three separate and distinct persons to be identified with the One and Only Divine Being that is God.


@VERY OLD DIRT - John 17:3 says nothing about the Father being exclusively God, just that he is the Only True God, again not only the Father is the True God. God is a mystery and Jehovah's Witnesses are in error.


God Is a Mystery—Is It True?

What you may have heard: “God works in mysterious ways.”

“The Father Incomprehensible, the Son Incomprehensible, and the Holy Ghost Incomprehensible.”—The Athanasian Creed, describing the Trinity taught by many churches of Christendom.

What the Bible teaches: Jesus said that those “taking in knowledge of . . . the only true God” would receive blessings. (John 17:3) But how can we take in knowledge of God if he is a mystery? Far from concealing himself, he wants everyone to know him.—Jeremiah 31:34.

Of course, we will never know everything about God. This is to be expected because his thoughts and ways are higher than ours.—Ecclesiastes 3:11; Isaiah 55:8, 9.

How knowing the truth helps you: If God is an incomprehensible mystery, then why even try to get to know him? Yet, he enables us not only to comprehend him but also to develop a close friendship with him. God described the faithful man Abraham as “my friend,” and King David of Israel wrote: “The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him.”—Isaiah 41:8; Psalm 25:14.


There is a counterfeit trinity in the bible headed by Satan.

(Rev 20:10) devil + beast + false prophet = Satanic trinity.

Why do the JWs and others say the the trinity is a 4th century pagan idea created by Satan ?

Satan created a trinity of false gods in the book of Revelation 4 centuries before that !

So if we conclude that there is a Satanic trinity in the bible -- then doesn't it mean that Satan has counterfeited a HOLY trinity in the bible ?

Satan and his angels can transform themselves into angels of light (2Cor 11:13-14 ) e.g false apostles of Christ.

Satan can impersonate Christ as the anti-Christ (1John 2:18)

Its clear that Satan has counterfeited the Eternal Godhead (Rom 1:20, Matt 28:19, and 1John 5:7) and has decieved the JWs into believing its a 4th century pagan idea !


Only Jew or gentile, right?
Then compare the Jewish TaNaKh to the xtian 'old' testament. Judaism USED Babylonian mythology as clever parables to teach against Babylonian mythology. Xtians added mythology (weeds) so that it choked the word. Xtians added hell and evil beings and replaced a nation with a mangod whose name honors sus.
Similarly, Muslims further mistranslated the xtian bible and added more evil beings (lilith and jinn), and sexualized heaven for a sexually repressed society. Like Mormons and Jehovah"s witnesses, Islam is a form of xtianity. Like Babylon, the denominations keep adding to the mix.
The teaching on good and evil from a time when people believed in wise snake gods -that is the fall of mankind.
God is personified as terrorizing his enemies, and the enemies fear evil beings of myth.
But, the beginning of wisdom is recognizing your fear is coming from God enforcing his kingdom.
If a day is like a 1000 years.
3 day of bBabylon, 3 days of xtianity.


VEry good no one will see God, after this live some will see father God but only if you stay true.
Father God is in the highest heaven the 3rd heaven way way up there Jesus is at the right hand of God.
Jesus died for our sins, and rose up to set at the right hand of God
God bless all in Jesus loving name Amen.


You comment against w.o.j's answer, "he [Jesus] never denied being God."

Wrong. At John 3:16,18 he unambiguously referred to himself as God's "only begotten son."

You cannot be "begotten" by another person and at the same time BE that person.That is sheer stupidity.

Also, at John 10:36, Jesus clearly stated in response to the Jews accusation, "do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?"

Now, you explain to me logically how Jesus' saying "I am God's SON" can be construed as meaning anything other than that.

Let me remind you what you stated: ""he [Jesus] never denied being God."

If you believe that Jesus' words at John 10:36 effectively constitute anything other than a denial that he is God, then you are seriously deluding yourself.

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