Should a healthcare worker under voluntary monitoring be under mandatory isolation instead?

The newest Ebola patient took care of Duncan and took the irresponsible (IMO) action of getting on a plane. Last night she returned from visiting family & this morning reported the fever - now diagnosed.

Should all healthcare workers under voluntary monitoring now be under isolation due to the actions of one of their own? Thoughts?


This is horrible news, I was stunned when I heard about it. This nurse (and others who cared for Mr. Duncan) were ordered to self monitor and not be on public transportation until this incubation period ended - clearly she broke the rules! I believe that all of these health care workers need to be very, very carefully monitored and not just self monitor bc clearly self monitoring is not working. Now this nurse is sick. The NBC journalist/doctor (Nancy Synderman) was also told to self monitor and not go out in public, she too broke the rules and got caught out & about. So I believe there definitely needs to be much closer monitoring on all these people exposed. I don't think total isolation is the answer, at least right now.


All 71 should have been placed in isolation after the first nurse was diagnosed as a safety precaution. Need to stop playing around with this bug. Again, someone has dropped the ball.