Obama hit squad hits hs?

To distract America from the Ebola outbreak in New York. Seems pretty convenient to me, why aren't they taking this pandemic that's killing the majority of West Africa and spreading in the States?


???/ Hits hs? About what, if anything, are you mindlessly babbling?

No, there's nothing convenient. They ARE taking ebola seriously; there is NO ebola outbreak in the US.

You DO realize that only other morons will be swayed by anything you post, right?


Let's see now, Americans suffer annual flu deaths between 38,000 and 43,000. SO far, this year, we have had ONE ( 1 ) human being die from Ebola. I think I'll concentrate my energies to the prevention of contracting the flu.


One person does not make an epidemic, much less a pandemic. A few thousand people have died in west Africa- too many, but not "the majority" and not as many as die from flu each year in the U.S. Calm down.


They can't even bury the people in NY fast enough, dead people all over. Obama really did screw up this time though because he was supposed to kill off Texas. Maybe he will send a few people who can still walk to Texas.

Mr. Wolf2014-10-24T13:51:36Z

In the past month a few thousand Americans have died from the flu and close to a hundred have died from Spinal Meningitis. During that same period 1 man has dies from Ebola.

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