Saying it's not as bad as alcohol isn't a good excuse for having it legal. By the way, I worked in an old folks home, some of the residents were only 50 and too young to be there really ... but then their personal files nearly all stated that they had used cannabis in their youth. You don't see the problem yet, and you still won't see the problem when you are a jibbering wreck in an old folks home.
Not that much worse? It's not worse at all...
The only real side effect I get from pot is heartburn because I eat to much when I smoke.
Inlike cigarettes which I do also smoke and alcohol that can cause cancer. Alcohol in my book being worse because in the hands of a immature, irresponsible frat boy it becomes a deadly weapon that can cause the deaths of others in in drunk driving accidents or fits of drunken rage.
The Democrats love pot, they worship it because it makes people stupid and stupid people vote for Democrats.
Sally says...
And yet dumb drunks kill people on the road every day! YUP, we really need druggies too huh???