Won't more Cops of questionable character, begin to commit more of these atrocities?
If you make it obvious to Cops, that they can do anything they want and get away with it. Aren't the Cops becoming the new Untouchables?
If you make it obvious to Cops, that they can do anything they want and get away with it. Aren't the Cops becoming the new Untouchables?
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They want us to have a race war so they can declare martial law.
This is also why we had all the Bogus Rampage Shooting Scenarios on CNN - obviously faked.
Now the stakes are higher, cops are executing blacks in broad daylight, in front of witnesses and cameras and with impunity.
Get ready for them to suspend the Constitution and demand all guns.
What nonsense.
A cop who did NOTHING wrong lost his job and his career due to rioting mobs who reacted BEFORE they had any of the facts.
That's contemptible.
Won't more mobs of questionable character begin to commit more of these atrocities?
Yes, they will.
Check the evidence from the court case - there are few things more contemptible than apologists for criminal acts.
Untouchable: "losing your job, friends, peace of mind, livelihood, reputation, forced to change your address, with a spouse to care for." ??? 😒