puppy is bleeding from butt/private parts. no worms?


I got this puppy a couple of months ago. I was told she had her first shots. I noticed worms her poop and gave her the proper med. now (2-3 weeks later) she has diarrhea and she has started to bleed from her butt or private area im not sure Its a fresh bright red blood. I don't know if she got ahold of something and ate it or what?


Worms In Private Parts


there are two more shots to get. one every two weeks. Since you did not follow up with the shots, it could be parvo, a deadly puppy disease that the shots are supposed to prevent.

If the pup is about 6 months old she could be in heat.

You need to talk to a Vet. There are NO vets on this forum.

Is the blood coming from the rectum or the vulva?
How old is the pup?
Have you had the pup out in the public to expose to parvo?
Did you finish off the shots?
Is the pup eating & drinking OK?
How active is the pup?
How long has this been going on?

With out the proper information we can't even take a guess at what it could be. You really need a Vet to check her out.


The pup needs to return to the vet for treatment. Perhaps the treatment you gave was too strong.


found out its hook worms