Atheists, do you believe we should eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die?


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I believe that we should enjoy life to the fullest, as long as we do no harm and try to help make life the best it can for everyone. It's the only one we've got.

Tony R2014-12-17T08:17:38Z

Sure to an extent. I mean if someone wants to drink themselves silly every weekend fine, as long as the don't put people in danger like driving, or go on a rampage bashing people's car windows in with a crowbar. I'm not into alcohol or drugs, but yes, I believe it's important to live life, do things you enjoy, because tomorrow it may all be over, and guess what, that's it, no more fun.

Arantheal  2014-12-17T08:15:05Z

To a reasonable degree you should eat, drink and be merry as long as you're not prioritizing the present you's happiness too much over future you's happiness. If you consider the sum total of your happiness during your lifetime then suddenly planning, prudence and caution become important.


I don't think I'm going to die tomorrow. I don't drink alcohol. I eat daily. I can be merry when the occasion calls for it.


It's the company Christmas dinner tomorrow, so I will certainly be eating and drinking, provided that I don't die before lunch time.

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