What dumbbells are good for me?

I am a 13 yr old girl I am not as weak tho
I do cardio everyday to loose weight (I was 116 lbs last month) I started doing cardio everyday since dec 1 I have got my waist back my hips my legs are better lookin and strong I can carry 2 of those little 25 packs of water 16.9fl oz each bottle without gruntin I which dumbbells are good for me 12lbs?


well if you are just looking for general fitness and tone then you need to find a weight that you can do around 12-15 max with.
If you can do more than 15 then it's too light. If you cannot do 8 then it's too heavy

The actual number on the side of the weight is irrelevant , there is no set guideline as everybody is at different levels.
At your age with your body going through hormonal changes etc then weight training can cause a few problems so be sure to do them correctly or get a fitness trainer to advise your first few sessions