If we don't take the President's advice and combat climate change, what is the outcome du jour?


What are they saying today will be the terrible, avoidable punishment for not abandoning our way of life and paying him and his to fix it?


It changes so often, I get confused. (For anyone who can accurately define "science," you know that's not a good sign.)


So...does anyone know if these are the same "scientists" who KNEW we'd all freeze to death for the same reasons a few decades ago, or know if they are using the same "science?"

@Joe...we have to fight climate change to avoid terrorists getting nuclear weapons...that's a new one on me, and may I say...Wow.


@Tom....who "knows" that? I don't...many scientists don't. You're taking an unproven theory and acting as it's proven fact. Not only is that a waste of time, but it's potentially dangerous. What if it turns out to be wrong, and the "corrective" action is actually harmful?


@Mittens...yes, it does. There are those who think the outcome will be flooding. Then you have the weather people, then you have the "we'll all cook to death" folks. THEN, and I believe these are my favorites, you have the people who think that the horrible heat to come will spark volcanic activity and we will all be flambeed via lava. Of course it changes. Not all of it can be right...no one knows, which is why I question the "science." We're supposed to be changing something, but we


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Whatever the next scary thing is WILL BE blamed on our taxes being too low and our having too much freedom.
All Democrats always make that case on all topics. No exceptions - ever.


We are already seeing an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. These trends will continue. The relatively minor effects that these events have so far had on the global supply chain for food production and distribution will increase; we should expect localized famine in the poorer regions of the world by mid-century.

As localized strife becomes regional, civil disorder will ensue; perhaps leading to the fall of governments in poorer countries. Some of the countries likely to fall have nuclear weapons; these may fall into the hands of terrorists.

> Joe...we have to fight climate change to avoid terrorists
> getting nuclear weapons...that's a new one on me, and
> may I say...Wow.

You might check with the U.S. Department of Defense, and the CIA. My statements come from their long-term strategic outlooks.


There is no single sure answer to that. the only knowns are that climate change is being mainly driven by man releasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. this will have the effect of making some areas warmer, some colder, some wetter some drier, which will affect farming, sea level, sea level, storm intensity. Ocean acidity will also be affected by added CO2, affecting life in the oceans.


Climate change is going to happen no matter what we do politically. there used to be huge lakes in the middle of the Sahara Desert. North America was mostly covered by glaciers, it will be again because it`s a cyclic event associated with the tilting of the earth.


If we do not surrender all of our personal and economic freedom this instant as well as shoveling tons and tons of research cash to the "scientists" we are all going to die. We are going to be doomed by the coming ice age I mean the hole in the ozone I mean acid rain I mean global warming I mean climate change. Either way that is what the politicians keep telling me and all they have to gain from it is absolute power. Plus it really get that white guy with dreadlocks that hangs out at Starbucks really upset.

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