Was it not bad enough to have people just walk across the border?

US Gave 957,000 Illegal Aliens Work Permits Under Obama

In the first six years of President Barack Obama's term in office, the U.S. government has issued 5.46 million new work permits to immigrants, including nearly 1 million to illegal aliens.

That is in addition to the 1.1 million legal immigrants and 700,000 guest workers admitted to the country each year.

The immigrants receiving the new work permits form "a huge parallel immigrant work authorization system outside the limits set by Congress that inevitably impacts opportunities for U.S. workers, damages the integrity of the immigration system, and encourages illegal immigration," according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

The CIS obtained the figures from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) following a Freedom of Information Act request.

The USCIS data reveal that about 1.8 million new work permits, or Employment Authorization Documents, were issued to aliens with temporary visas or those who entered under the Visa Waiver Program, including about 1.2 million who had a visa status for which employment is not authorized by law.

For example, 470,028 work permits were issued to aliens on tourist visas and 531,691 to foreign students.

About 982,000 new work permits were issued during the Obama administration to illegal aliens or aliens unqualified for admission, including 957,000 aliens who crossed the border illegally and were listed as Entered Without Inspection.

ibu guru2015-02-08T05:57:32Z

Favorite Answer

This is why the real US unemployment rate just rose again in January, and has consistently topped 20% since 2009, 23% or higher for at least 3 years now. That Stinker & his Administration has consistently manipulated job growth & unemployment numbers, readjusting Clinton Admin manipulation scheme to deceive the public even further.

In 2008, percentage of US workforce which was self-employed was between 8-9%. By 2012, that percentage hit 33% - so there's a third of "workers" who have no jobs either!

Brother Hesekiel2015-02-08T09:37:06Z

So what did really happen? Folks who are here in the US for at least 5 years and have been working under the table were required to come out the shadows, register, go through a background check, and will be paying billions of dollars in additional income taxes.

All of this is valid for up to 2 years or 'til we have a new president who -- if he wants -- can change that with a stroke of a pen and then has a comprehensive register of people to deport, containing names, addresses, dates of birth, SSNs, phone numbers, etc. Sounds like a win-win to me.

No jobs were taken away, no Americans laid off because of it. All we did is put them into a framework of control.

I'm against DACA and DAPA purely on principle, but if I put my personal feelings aside, I have to admit that it wasn't much more that smoke and mirrors. Vote a Republican into office next November and then see what happens.


Yes, Bush signed into law for children, after a Democrat Congress made the law, and attached it to Iraq funding, like they did everything else. This is far more then a few children they are talking about here. These are actual work visas, normally not given to children, right?


Wasn't that from the law that president bush signed regarding refugee children?