Should I tell my mom about this?

I am a high school guy with a 37 year single old mom. She is the best mom ever. I just adore her. She often goes with me to school events. Each time she does that, some guys afterward tell me how lucky I am to have a beautiful, hot, and sexy mom. I always tell them my mom is NOT hot and sexy. Even some of the girls tell me the same thing. Girls also tell me I am in big trouble if I expect my dates to be as beautiful as my mom. Several guys and girls always ask me if my mom was/is a model.

Should I tell my mom what they are saying about her. Would she take it as a compliment that guys my age think she is beautiful, hot and sexy? Would I get in trouble for telling her about the hot and sexy part?

Mothers, and others, please tell me what you think.



Favorite Answer

Your mom most likely knows how she is seen by others and wouldn't be that surprised. Or maybe she doesnt, some of the most beautiful women don't see themselves that way. She may like to hear that she's still desirable at her age, but you don't have to tell her if you don't want to. I'm surprised she's still single. Perhaps you could phrase it as:
"So, the guys and even some gals at my school think you're totally smoking... Maybe you should start dating again? Not any of my friends of course (giggle). But I'm old enough now to know that you deserve someone to be happy with and it seems like you wouldn't have much trouble attracting them. You know I'm okay with that, right? You're a great mom and I love you. I don't think I should be the only man in your life that gets to know how wonderful you are."
I'm pretty sure saying something like this would make her smile. She is lucky to have such a caring son by the way. It sounds like she's done a good job with raising you alone.


Well,women like being told they are attractive and beautiful. .. so I think you won't get in trouble for that lol


what is up with you?