Blown Away by Carrie Underwood?
I was looking online and found that there is a book with all the songs from Carrie Underwood's album Blown Away containing piano, vocal, and guitar music. I like the album, so I am considering bjuying the book to use if I can find a voice teacher willing to teach contemporary music. The book costs $19.95, so it is a bit expensive. The concern I have with buying the book is that some of the songs would need to be transposed down several keys for them to fit my voice (I'm an alto two) so songs like See You Again, Good in Goodbye, etc would need to be transposed down at least a whole step if not more. Therefore, since multiple songs need to have the key adjusted, is it worth spending the $20 for the book or should I try to get a hold of individual pieces in a different key? Or would a voice teacher try to help me with the high notes in the original key? I would like some opinions before I spend the money and go through all the trouble of getting an accessible copy. Thank you.