One Billion Seconds from now?

Question: Determine how old you will be one billion seconds from now (using todays date).

Tyler Choinsky2015-02-24T18:09:06Z

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1 Bil/60/60/24/365 = 31.7.....

Im 14 and 6 months old, so im 14.5 years old.

31.7 + 14.5 = 46.2


Doug Freyburger2015-02-25T14:25:43Z

Ten PI million seconds per year, so a bit over 30 years from now. Without doing the exact arithmetic.



Salt and Peppy2015-04-26T15:08:16Z

I will be 70 years old.


if my calcmulations r rite ill be bout 21 cuz 9+10 = 21 das math yo

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