What is in the new 332-page internet regulations law?

Three days before the Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to vote on the most significant Internet regulations in history, two commissioners are asking Chairman Tom Wheeler to delay the vote and release his proposal to the public.
“We respectfully request that FCC leadership immediately release the 332-page Internet regulation plan publicly and allow the American people a reasonable period of not less than 30 days to carefully study it,” Republican Commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly said in a statement Monday. “Then, after the commission reviews the specific input it receives from the American public and makes any modifications to the plan as appropriate, we could proceed to a final vote.”
“With the future of the entire Internet at stake, it is imperative that the FCC get this right, and to do that, we must live up to the highest standards of transparency. Transparency is particularly important here because the plan in front of us right now is so drastically different than the proposal the FCC adopted and put out for public comment last May.”


Favorite Answer

Any time things are voted on in secret it screws Americans.


Transparency? Obama? Lmao


It's got at least one loophole big enough to drive a semi-rig through. Wanna bet?

Coop 3662015-02-24T21:21:05Z

If you get a link I would like to have it.