Obama wants Americans to stop clinging to their guns and religion—so why doesn't he ask the same of Muslims?

There seems to be a double standard here.


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Because he is Muslim himself

He wants Muslims to cling to their guns AND religion - an AK47 with a 30 round magazine, to be exact


Actually I like your analogy! Yes, I know that Obama didn't actually say that but what he did say as a very negative comment was, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." Even Hillary who was running against him at the time leaped onto this and referred to Obama's statement as being "elitist". And the last time I checked Hillary was not reporting on Fox News!


He is asking Americans,both Christians and Muslims


Because he is a muslim and his 2-1/2 million muslims in our country in Army, communications, internet services, etc are waiting orders to start killing Americans openly. Mike


Because he is a muslim. And he wants all of America to turn to muslim and give up their guns so they don't kill any muslims. He would rather do it the Jihad wqy with bombs--you kill more people at one time then.

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