I want to become a genius.?

I have done my research, and I know that is possible to increase your IQ to genius levels. Those of you who who say that is is genetics obviously have not looked into psychology and neuroscience papers from the twenty first century. I already have a superior intelligence but want to increase it well above 150. I already know that changing your scedule and doing puzzles and learning new things is effective but I know that there are many secret techniques in expensive programs. Can anybody tell me any other ways or things that I can do? I would rather not may much more money than I already am on books in math and physics.

Mark IX2015-03-02T17:47:09Z

Hmmm...I'm surprised somebody who's clearly as smart as you would ask such a stupid question. This is what passes for research with up and coming smart people now, is it? Love the insults, that just adds to my positive impression of you.