Do you believe that whatever happens to Israel is what will happen to America and the rest of the world?

The terrorists have been threatening to destroy both Israel and America.
Israel is our best ally in the middle east.


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To a certain extent yes. Islamic Fundamentalists call Israel the little Satan. the US is the big Satan.


A: No. Just because something bad happens to Israel doesn't mean that same thing will happen in America.
B: Yes, Israel is our strongest and closest Ally in the middle east, but that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to pursue diplomatic relations with the rest of the Middle East.

Captain Obvious, Defender of Snack Pudding2015-03-03T14:02:20Z

Nope. Israel is a tiny little fly speck in their neighborhood, the US is thousands of miles away and a whole lot better armed. Not to mention much bigger.


Islam will have better luck taking over Europe than Israel.


Israel continues to build settlements in Palestine

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