When and why did it become 'offensive' to fly the American flag?

The University of California at Irvine, which just voted to BAN flags from hanging in their main lobby.
The reason that the student government chose to ban the flags? Apparently, flags are… “OFFENSIVE.”


durango joe2015-03-07T06:48:58Z

Favorite Answer

When Liberals started finding anything they do not like offensive.
But the Supreme Court and other Federal courts have found the offensive speech is still free speech.
If flag burning is free speech then flying that same flag is also.


Some people ARE offended by it. Why is that so hard to understand? But those kids used a democratic process and voted to ban ALL flags from the one specific spot on campus, not just the US flag, and not on the entire campus.
I really don't see the big deal.
I live in a deeply-red rural area surrounded by cons and tea partiers...and I'm the ONLY ONE on my street who flys the flag. Does that mean that everyone else on my street hates America? Derp.


When you see the sort of comments you are getting, with words like "commie," "trouser stain," "blind hypocrisy," "brainwashed," and "indoctrinating," I think you can understand why the majority of students on a committee concluded that flag flying could be offensive. These comments certainly are, and are intended to be, offensive.

BTW, the decision is not likely to withstand a vote by the larger assembly.


Our institutions of higher learning are indoctrinating the students into supporting global governance. This also started in 2005 in the public school system. The current administration even calls himself a citizen of the world. Obama is not interested in preserving the sovereignty of the United States.

Flora Post2015-03-07T06:25:12Z

Wow, I actually read that article and it boggles the mind how these people don't see how exclusive and stifling their decisions are and they actually think they are enlightened human beings. There is such blind hypocrisy in extremism.

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