Do you believe that whatever happens to Israel is what will happen to America and the rest of the world?

The terrorists have been threatening to destroy both Israel and America.
Israel is our best ally in the middle east.


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Iran may try to destroy america first , paving an easy road to Israel


No, I do not. Israel is in a unique position, a Jewish nation in the middle of dominant Islamic nations. The US is not in that position. I do believe the more exclusive support the US gives to Israel, the more likely the US will become a target of forces that oppose Israel's existence. However, the US can mitigate any perception by those Islamic nations that it only supports Israel with smart behavior. That does not include taking the exclusive advice of the PM of Israel on how to deal with nations in the ME.

I hope Americans do not believe Israel will actually help the US in any way. Israel aligns itself with the US because the US is useful to Israel. It is possible Israel would cease to exist without aid from the US. The US does not need Israel, never has and never will. Before 1948 when Israel was established as a nation, the US had good relationships with ME nations. Of course many other upheavals occured in the ME since 1948, including dissolution of colonial powers in the ME and the rise of nationalism among the nations there.

durango joe2015-03-07T06:40:35Z


The Taxpayer2015-03-07T07:17:17Z



No. And I think isreal is losing support from younger american demographics.

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