If spitting on or burning the American flag is protected by free speech, why isn't displaying the flag protected by free speech?

The students in Univ. of California voted to ban the American flag.
And Californians are supposed to foster tolerance?


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You raise a valid point. The problem is that the ACLU protects people who want to spit on the American flag, but not people who want to fly the American flag.


You raise an invalid point.

Displaying the flag is not banned. Matter of fact this proposal was vetoed.

Yet even the proposal wouldn't have "banned" the flag, but merely banned any nationality's flag from being hung in the lobby of student government.

How exactly does your free speech rights extend to demanding an organization which does not represent you display an American flag?

This simply isn't a free speech issue at all.

If you wished to compare it to flag burning. You'd need to claim you had a right to force someone else to burn a flag.

There is the tempest, there is the teapot.

Felonious Monkey2015-03-09T07:24:00Z

It would be an interesting legal challenge, but you'd need a plaintiff. Someone to come forward and claim their 1st Amendment rights were being violated by removing the American flag from the dorm walls.

Alternately, students could simply ignore the vote and continue to display the flag. It would then be up to the student group to approach university management and ask for their vote to be enforced. I doubt the U. of California would actually enforce this vote. As a state university U of C receives government funds, meaning they qualify as a "state actor" for the purposes of suppressing free speech.

It would be a can of worms for U of C.

Curtis 19112015-03-09T07:26:03Z

Mary,,,,according to liberal logic; Spitting on or burning the American flag is protected by Freedom of Liberal Speech.

Displaying the flag is not protected by Freedom of Liberal Speech because the American flag represents war mongers, racism, inequality, corporate greed, homophobia, and religion.

Now in the real world of course displaying the flag is protected by Freedom of Speech, but the U.S. Constitution is only as good as those that interpret and enforce it.

Public education is totally overrun with administration liberalism and organized crime, I mean organized labor. Anything political that is not liberal is banned. So there's that.

The Oracle of Omigod2015-03-09T07:38:52Z

And, the rationale for banning the American flag is that then they would have to allow the display of the ISIS flag among others. My question is, why? We have only one American flag, and we should be able to allow only the American flag to fly.

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