What would the world be like is white people never existed?

I hear a lot about how terrible white people are, but if they never existed our world would still be very different from what it is now.
You would not be typing on that thing you are typing on, no electricity to power it, you'd probably be dead by now for lack of medicines, medical techniques, medical research. You would not have central heat / air, your food source would be tenuous. You would not fly, you would not drive, you would not have a trains to ride. No telephone

Spock (rhp)2015-03-11T15:22:48Z

Favorite Answer

poor and backward. read the history of innovation in world since 1400 or so and look up the race of the inventors

Star Logan2015-03-11T15:10:14Z

I think it would be a lot like China 2000 years ago.
There's no way Black people would be dominate, they are to violent with each other.


Was Jesus white? Do you have a clue about the evolution of Man over the past 2000+ years.

You sound like an ignorant redneck. Kid. Teenager. Uneducated. GED? Maybe? Am I close?

durango joe2015-03-11T15:49:27Z

You would be very board as you would have no one to gripe about.


Apparently, poor grammar knows no racial divide.

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