Is there anyone that can beat Dr.Manhattan?

Bare in mind that he has TOTAL control over matter, and can destroy what he pleases?

To avoid fanboys, any physical thing will be wiped out in seconds (e.g, Superman, Thanos, Galactus etc.)

Answer with evidence/proof to back up your suggestion please.


A lot of characters in comics and manga can defeat Dr.Manhattan tbh. He's quite overhyped considering he never showed any larger feats then leveling cities. Here's a list of a few characters who also have full control over molecules at the atomic level; Phoenix force Jean, Molecule man, New 52 Captain Atom. To name a few.


Thanos can take out Dr.Manhattan any day, especially if he wields the Infinity Gauntlet.


Light Yagami with his death note

Any name written in the death note shall simply die


"Q" from Star Trek