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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicComics & Animation · 2 days ago

Which anime actually have important characters die?

Realistic timing of deaths is something I want to find.

The only example I can think of is Naruto, but they have so few deaths compared to the number of actual characters.

All the shows with death incorporated always has the characters revive somehow. Having every single character die is also bad like what *some* shows do.

9 Answers

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    12 hours ago

    I believe "Attack on Titan" had at least one.

  • 24 hours ago

    Yu Yu Hakusho has a major character die.

  • 2 days ago

    Akame ga Kill 

    Attack on Titan



    Gurren laganElfen LiedAssassination classroom

    and thats just the short list

  • 2 days ago

    Here my anime that  important characters die in.

    Death note (u might see it every ep)

    Akame ga kill (might see it every ep 

    Erased ( ep 9 to 5 

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  • If you have not watched already look into Death Note.

  • Raditz
    Lv 6
    2 days ago

    Gurren Lagann has one of its most prominent character died in the first half of the series, and similar thing also happened in most Getter Robo series.

    Same goes with Madoka Magica, where some of its main casts also died throughout the series.

    Several Gundam shows also had these kind of moments, like First Gundam, 0083, 00, AGE, and the infamous Iron-Blooded Orphans.

    Some Macross series were also like this, where there are prominent characters that died in midway of the series.

  • 2 days ago

    Gurren Lagann.



    Gintama but you wont get to see it until like the 500 episode.

    One Piece but you wont get to see it until like the 700 episode.

    Wolf Children.


    Witch Blade.

    Fatal Fury The Motion Picture.

    The Guyver.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 days ago

    Dragon Ball Z is always killing off important characters, but they continue their adventures in Heaven until someone uses the dragon balls to wish them back.  

  • 2 days ago


    Assassination Classroom

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