Cons say that poor people should live with their parents, but what if their parents don't let them?

Rent for a ROOM in EAST San Jose costs $500 monthly. Living in shelters or in your car isn't going to cut it when applying for jobs.


And most poor people don't have a lot of friends to help them.


And most poor people don't have a lot of friends to help them.


Kind of like Rand Paul's comment on the mentally I'll oh your just feeling anxious or you just got a back pain no big deal even though most of these people got mental or chronic back problems Cons say and believe a lot of BS


Cons don't say that. It is you libs whose policies have kept the economy in the toilet so that there are no jobs. And you are ones who think it is so important that they be able to stay on the parent's insurance.


Sometimes parents arent the best examples to begin with get yourself educated stay away from drugs dont ever try lsd stay focused figure out what you really want for your life go to college live a sober life pray look to god for your answers and focus on whats best for you if your parents begin to become a crutch get money or go to school and just leave and cut off communication with them untill they understand that you have your own life and are self efficient


You don't even really know what your talking about so that disqualified you from attempting to understand Conservatives.


The banks want you to be ashamed to live with your parents-- so we can all work for them.
We get poor, they WIN.

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