Name one nice thing god does in the bible?

I read the first testament. I don’t think I found one nice thing about god. I am trying to understand why people think god is loving and wonderful. All I found was a petulant god having tantrums like a 3 year old.

What did I miss? I certainly did not read anything about a being worthy of any worship.

(The act of creation itself is neither nice nor brutal.)


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You don't believe in God, so why are you wasting time asking that here?


He gave Satan permission to torment and kill Job's family and possessions. I think that Satan though it was nice. This is the only time in Bibical history that Satan actually harmed anyone or anything, and even then he couldn't do it without God's permission.

I don't think Job thought it was nice, nor his wife, his slaves, his servants, or his cattle. Thus, the Bible proves that God approves of moral relativity.


Jaded Sage: God forgives what or whom? He wasn't very forgiving with the Egyptians just because they happen to be born in Egypt and have a ruler who wasn't nice. (I wonder how many of those Egyptians helped the Israelites because they felt sorry for them. Joe Egyptian might have just gotten the job to support his family and have a heart, too.)

God wasn't very forgiving when the earth was flooded or when God destroyed Jericho (why were the Israelites better than the Egyptians or the people of Jericho).

Seems to me as though God plays favorites.

(Its interesting when I ask these questions to believers they have no answers...)


Wow. And you really read it?
Let's consider the very first chapter of the Bible. See if you can find even one of the ***several*** nice things that, according to that chapter, God did.;KJV

Now, if that's not enough for you - if there aren't enough nice things in that first chapter - then we can go on to the second chapter and locate the several nice things that God did there.

And so on and on.


He gave me a cookie. Really, why should God appease you? So if God doesn't reward you with a $$$$$ there is no God. Wait is it because God allows people to die? Wouldn't it be cruel if God didn't. Sorry your Porsche didn't fall from the sky.

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