I've had this 'friend' for about 18 months, in person she seems nice to me and acts normal, but o line all she does is complain about us and say about how her internet friends are better than us, even though she's only friends with them for a few months? If I ask her about what she was tweeting she says it isn't aimed at me, like I will say a general thing such as ' need to get away really ' and then she'll be like ' my friends :/ '. Should I be wasting my time on someone who thinks that people she's never met is better than me?
sounds like somebody is screaming for attention. She's either dealing with someone deep like depression, or home issues where she seeks attention from others aka a goth/scene/emo who would rathet interact online where she can show off her satire and uneventful life (don't take any of their negativity and hatred personally and this is a phase that will most likely pass) or she might just be two-faced, some women like to make drama when they find their life is sort of boring and needs some excitement. Without the chaos, and constant challenges and ruckus, it becomes rather dull and that makes life sad which brings her right back to social media where she gets to moan and act out without being interrupted, shot down, or put in her place and get her *** kissed by a bunch of people who don't really know her. If this is the case she needs to find an alternative or be given one, Invite her to the movies or out, show her the latest celeb trends and songs, try to include her in positive things and get her in sync with your friends and pull her from the dark. I didn't take action and pull my friend aside when she started this exact bs and now she's more of a frenemy and i can't be with her for more than a few hours before she starts to kill my vibe.